Recently to celebrate the 100-year anniversary of the discovery of King Tut’s tomb, the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities presented a ten-city exhibition called TUTANKHAMUN: Treasures of the Golden Pharaoh. The new exhibition included the greatest assembly of artifacts and gold from Tutankhamun’s tomb ever on public display outside of Egypt – more than 150 real artifacts, three times what has ever toured together before.
As shown in the photos below, the presentation included Harry Burton’s iconic photo the twelve-year-old Hussein Abdel-Rassoul wearing the necklace from King Tut’s tomb, a photo of an elderly Sheikh Hussein Abdel-Rassoul holding the framed Harry Burton photo, and King Tut’s necklace which was unearthed after the tomb was discovered on 4 November 1922.

The Story from the museum exhibits on this page says the following:

Harry Burton’s photograph of Hussein Abdel - Rassoul provided the waterboy with a source of income for the rest of his life. He posed with the photograph near Tutankhamun’s tomb, explaining to visitors that it was he who discovered the site.

Hussein, aged 70, is shown holding the picture. After Hussein died, his son took his place in the Valley. Standing with a framed copy of his father’s photograph, he continues to tell the story.

CaliforniA 2018

King Tut visits Los Angeles for the third time. The first time was in 1978, and the second time was in 2005. This time, his exhibit offers Los Angelenos a peek at some of the most beautiful objects with 66 artifacts never seen before now. The exhibit brings “blurry history of the Boy King into sharp focus,” said Jeff Norman Managing Director CEO, California Science Center.
It begins with the discovery from a waterboy, said Dr. Zahi Hawass, Esteemed Egyptian Archaeologist.

London 2020

Finally saw @TutankhamunLDN an incredible array of treasures on loan thanks to @TourismandAntiq Five rooms take you through the underworld, the discovery and the legend of King Tut. One highlight: Hussein Abdel- Rassoul, the Egyptian water boy who discovered the tomb in 1922.

June 2020

In Portugués. “Esta é uma foto de seu pai, Sheik Hussein, Hassan, Abdul Rassoul, quando ele tinha 100 anos, segurando uma fotografia de si mesmo os 12 anos, usando o colar encontrado na tumba de Tutankhamon em 1922 por Howard Carter. O garoto de 12 anos fazia chá para seu pai e seu bom amigo Howard Carter. O garoto sempre acompanhava os arqueólogos nas escavações. Em 4 de novembro de 1922, Hussein encontrou o topo da escada, no túmulo de Tut, 13 pés abaixo da entrada do túmulo de Ramsés VI. Que exaltação! Hussein, seu pai e Carter entraram na tumba e o resto é história.”
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